Unlimited Live Streaming Classes in Yoga, Flexibility, Handstands, Core, Inversions and Acro.
Unlimited Live Streaming Classes
48 hour Streamed Class Playback
Access to Online Video Library*
Admission to Weekend Workshops
*Our online video library is home to exclusive high quality follow along classes exclusive to this tier, workshops and tutorials only available to members at this level and above.
Unlimited Live Streaming Classes
48 hour Streamed Class Playback
Access to Online Video Library*
Admission to Weekend Workshops
Monthly 45 minute private consultation with a lead instructor to discuss your goals, practice schedule and trouble shooting sticking points in your practice.
Available for live classes only - playback is not included
Community Membership $50/ month
Warriors Path Membership $100/month
Mentorship $175 / month
Drop in $15 / class
Sign in to MINDBODY or create an account. In the top right corner under ONLINE STORE, choose CONTRACTS for the membership options.
Alternatively if you add your payment info and message us what membership you like to sign up for we can set it up for you.
Reach out to us on social media or email warriorbridge@gmail.com
No Annual Commitment Required, Memberships are billed monthly. You can change the level or cancel a membership at any time with no additional fee, however you must send an email to warriorbridge@gmail.com in order to do so.